We need to start with this week's weekly address from President Barack Obama. I think we're all tired of the MSM coverage of a certain moose-shootin'-mavericky-going rouge-kinda-gal's book has received. Listen to our POTUS speak, and contrast that with any of the mad-lib/word salad/verbal vomit of the Thrilla' from Wasilla.
In an address recorded in Seoul, South Korea, the President discusses his trip to Asia. He talks about his push to stop nuclear proliferation in North Korea, Iran, and around the world. He talks about promoting Americas principles for an open society in China while making progress on joint efforts to combat climate change. And talks in-depth about the primary objective of his trip: engaging in new markets that hold tremendous potential to spur job creation here at home. November 21, 2009. (Public Domain)
For those New Moon fans out there, I bring you Michael Buckley's always enjoyable, always hilarious, and always current "What the Buck" show featuring some great advice for Robert Pattison & Kristen Stewart.
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Comment Questions of the Day:
1. Favorite Oprah memories?
2. Seen New Moon yet? Thoughts?
3. Why do the Twilight stars ITCH so much?
However, because we are Kossacks, consider Mike Albo's article in the Advocate about New Moon author Stephanie Meyer and her ties to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What do you think?
Moody, alluring, even a little campy, the Twilight saga has all the sexy requirements it takes to go down in the gay — ahem — annals of pop culture history. It’s not hard to see a future of Taylor Lautner shirtless montage videos playing in a loop at gay bars ... or even an Edward Cullen drag king contest.
This lack of pink makes sense once you know that the author of the mega-popular series, Stephenie Meyer, is a devout Mormon who is a faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and graduate of Brigham Young University — not exactly the most gay-friendly environment.
Defenses of Meyer (from The Mormons Are Coming! blog and En.FairMormon.org, for example) stipulate that LDS’s contributions to Yes on 8 campaigns were through individual contributions and “in-kind donations”(free or discounted services) that total about $190,000. Defenders also contend that support for the campaign only came from congregations within California under the direction of the Protect Marriage Coalition.
Finally, I leave you with The_Golden_Filter video for "Thunderbird." This great clip offers inspiration for your daily tribal dance ritual. What? You don't have a daily tribal dance ritual?...and you call your self a Kossack?